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of all major ICT manufacturers.
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- imcopex carries more than 100 well-known, high-quality ICT brands
- the portfolio contains more than 18,500 original articles
- over 4,700 articles are available for immediate delivery
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Protecting the environment and conserving resources
imcopex attaches great importance to the compliance with national and international regulations and laws for the protection of consumers and the environment. imcopex continuously checks whether manufacturers comply with these laws.
Battery law (BattG):
imcopex is a registered partner of the Foundation Gemeinsames Rücknahmesystem Batterien (GRS). The BattG transposes the European Battery Directive 2006/66/EC into German law.
It regulates the placing on the market, return and environmentally sound disposal of batteries and accumulators. The law came into force in 2009 and replaced the Battery Ordinance (BattV). In 2020, it was amended (Battery Act 2, BattG2).
Together with our service provider, we fulfil all requirements.
Our service provider publishes the current recycling rate of the reported industrial batteries on their website. You can find the corresponding link here: View recycling rate
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ElektroG) - WEEE
Elektrogesetz (ElektroG) / WEEE: The Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and the corresponding directives represent a legal framework of the EU that strictly regulates the production, distribution and recycling of electrical and electronic equipment: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/topics/waste-resources/product-stewardship-waste-management/electrical-electronic-waste/electrical-electronic-equipment-act It also aims to reduce the use of harmful substances in the equipment. These European and country-specific laws and requirements are implemented at national level.
imcopex is a registered partner of the foundation “Elektro Altgeräte Register (EAR)” and pays corresponding fees.
The REACH Regulation 1907/2006 of the European Union came into force on 1 June 2007 and stands for: “Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. https://echa.europa.eu/de/regulations/reach/legislation
REACH ist eine Zusammenfassung zahlreicher bereits bestehender Verordnungen und umfasst ca. 30.000 chemische Substanzen, die als eigenständige Substanzen oder als Produktkomponenten auf den EU-Markt gebracht werden. The regulations for manufacturers and importers are implemented step by step and the substances must be registered with the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency based in Helsinki).
The RoHS Directive of the European Union stands for “the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment” / Restriction of (the use of certain) Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment. https://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/rohs_eee/index_en.htm
This directiveprohibits the placing on the market in the EU of new electrical and electronic equipment containing more than the agreed quantities of harmful substances such as lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium as well as polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE). Ten hazardous substances are now restricted in electrical and electronic equipment. RoHS conformity is regulated by the individual governments of EU countries. Ten hazardous substances are now restricted in electrical and electronic equipment. RoHS conformity is regulated by the individual governments of EU countries.
Copyright levy (GEMA and VGWort):
imcopex reports all affected products and takes over the payment of levies according to the currently valid tariffs: https://www.bitkom.org/sites/default/files/file/import/Bitkom-Guidelines-Copyright-Levies.pdf
The copyright levy is charged for devices and media with which users can store copies. The levy, usually between 5 and 34 euros, is paid via the retail price and is paid by the equipment manufacturers to the Central Office for Private Transfer Rights (ZPÜ).